Wednesday, 23 October 2013

The effects of location on viewer experience

 We were asked to go to a couple of sites and determine how the location's specific qualities might impact a viewers experience of any work being shown there. These are my findings;

 The Arnolfini

 The Arnolfini is an art gallery in the centre of town, which regularly shows motion pictures. If one were to screen work there, the viewing of said work might influenced by various facts, which I am going to list.
 -The audience at the Arnolfini varies greatly, and one might expect that, for any one screening, a wide variety of social and economical backgrounds might be present. Fromm tourists, to students, to families, the Arnolfini is quite a popular place, and as far as audience goes, the viewing of the movie will be affected in many unpredictable ways, but none are the result of one particular perspective of one particular group.
 -Located at the very heart of Bristol, the Arnolfini is quite a convenient place to go to, weather you mean to go there, or if you're simply passing by. Though, admittedly, if one were to be exposed to work, after simply wondering into the facilities, as opposed to going there on purpose, one might not be fully receptive to the works full intended message. It is also worth noting that, although the Arnolfini is the centre, there is no parking nearby, which can also affect viewer experience, especially if it's raining, because I can assure you, I enjoy movies a lot less if I'm drenched.
 -The Arnolfini is very clean in just about every aspect, and though it looks a bit industrial, there are just about no factors about it, or its surroundings that one put one off of seeing a screening, or feeling uncomfortable during one(unless you're afraid of water, at which case the waterfront might make you uneasy). Also, the screening times, as well as gallery times are fairly early in the day, so any potential hazards that come with night-time are virtually eliminated.

The watershed

 The watershed is mostly frequented by people of a greater age, as well as mature individuals. Youth and students don't have a lot of interest in it, probably because of it's occasionally obscure programme, so immediately we have something that might condition the experience of the viewing: the viewers are older. This could mean a variety of things, such as, they won't be as receptive to more implausible or violent themes, or they might not connect with Hollywood-like characters, young and full of energy. Of course, this is mere speculation, but it is something to take into account.
 It is handy-cap accessible, in the centre of the city, and the only problem with it is it's proximity to the water. The watershed is very close to the Arnolfini, so essentially it suffers from all it's location flaws as well as benefits. One should also point out that there are street vendors just outside the watershed, which make the likeness of tourist attendance higher.
 The watershed looks very welcoming, and is nicely frequented, so there are really no off-putting qualities to it, that would make one hesitate before going in. It's worth mentioning that there is a restaurant near-by which smells quite nicely, which might be a factor in choosing the place, and make the viewer hungry during the screening, which could potentially break his focus.
·         Lighting: appropriate for movie screenings 
·         Time of day: movie screenings are mainly in the evenings 
·         Noise: the exterior noise is present due to the popularity of the area, however it is appropriate for private viewings, allowing the full focus on the screening. 
·         Demeanour: large windows with vibrant posters and signs, raising awareness of the current films being screened. 
·         Dress of shop/gallery assistants: no particular uniform 
·         Shop/gallery layout: small space, with a reception and a range of movie posters, cards and DVD’s available for purchase. The venue includes 3 screening rooms that hold no more than 200 people. A far more vibrant space, with a lot of visual promotion, suitable for screening advertisement.
·         Other nearby shops: cafe’s, restaurants, markets. 
·         Consumers/audience : mainly elderly customers, with very few students (perhaps due to the content of the movies available; i.e. French films)
·         Traffic: area accessible by foot, with parking spaces and bus stops nearby 
·         Weather conditions: the weather does not have a strong impact on the accessibility of the venue however it would determine the amount of consumers/audience that would wonder by).
·         Temperature: neutral 
·         Smells: neutral 
Extra information: 
·         Art house films
·         Films change every week 
·         Film festivals 

·         Raises awareness of various events at the reception 

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